Sorry to inform you that we have not fixed the issue completely on yesterday.
It was completely affected by adware and some folders even have billion's of files let me show a proof

As of now our scan shows most of the program updates affected by adware. I am not complaining any users for their installation.
We failed to protect or do a scan regularly
We dont have other way to proceed without reinstalling the system
You may think scan will fix it(just think how long it takes to scan a (1000000 files in a folder). We even tried to scan but could not. Even we tried to delete the files in some folder via windows and DOS was not going to be
We always think of you. Why we not restarted so many times:
Yesterday we has total 3-4 restarts (1 -normal, 2- for security update). We can even have as many restart to fix.. but thinked of you why we have to annoy with multiple restart.
Let us fix it by OS reinstall:
We taking down the Server very soon
Compensation +5 days after due
We available over livechat+clientarea ticket, WHT,WJ,DP,phone when the reinstall
Disk removal notice send @ 2.30PM
Reinstall started @ 2.45PM
Reinstall ended @ 3.30PM
Application install ended @ 4.30Pm
We waiting Server provider to add the extra removed disk back to Server.
I am not aware when they will reply to my ticket time now 7.43PM
Time now 11.30Pm - RDP users can access
By 1AM - All get their files permission with softwares
12.30AM now- We hope we have to offer little more stable service
As of now all admin account disabled.
Marţi, Septembrie 30, 2014